Leaving I have been telling myselfI must leave soonAnd I have been packingThe first, the second, the thirdthe last – I am not sure which of thelast moments I should pick –but I have been packing I have been hiding thingsToday my face, yesterday the feetThe things...
The Exorcist – Part 1 of Three poems for my reluctant love. The Exorcist Slowly, slowly, feel my fingersstroking your foreheadwiping away the five folds moulded firm.Exorcising youof her with the long hairsleeping clouds shaking serpentsof her with the...
And I dream treesThe kind you rest ongreen soothing peaceThe kind you climb onsun and shade, shadows bornlike the words of your song I dream flowersof the tropicsbusy petal clusters fragrancingthe body, a bracelet of jasminea necklace of frangipanimy very heart and...
Read Sadness is a boomerang and four other poems in The Punch magazine. Sadness is a boomerang they say write about happinessof faraway lands where the flowers are red and fragrantof peacocks and poems and picture books and forests verdant the song inside is of...
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