‘Leaving’ in Dragonfly Arts Magazine, 2020

Leaving I have been telling myselfI must leave soonAnd I have been packingThe first, the second, the thirdthe last – I am not sure which of thelast moments I should pick –but I have been packing I have been hiding thingsToday my face, yesterday the feetThe things...

‘A Dream in Parts’ in Turnpike Magazine, September 2019

And I dream treesThe kind you rest ongreen soothing peaceThe kind you climb onsun and shade, shadows bornlike the words of your song I dream flowersof the tropicsbusy petal clusters fragrancingthe body, a bracelet of jasminea necklace of frangipanimy very heart and...

Five poems in The Punch magazine, August 2019

Read Sadness is a boomerang and four other poems in The Punch magazine. Sadness is a boomerang they say write about happinessof faraway lands where the flowers are red and fragrantof peacocks and poems and picture books and forests verdant the song inside is of...